To perform research and education regarding global pollinators. The project will involve the building of a five square mile natural habitat for pollinators to thrive and be studied which will be maintained in perpetuity. This will be conducted in cooperation with local universities and will address the current issues regarding pollinators; including, but not limited to the following: habitat, farming techniques, industrial issues, disease, and pollution.We will also pursue K-12 educational programs. Additionally, the grounds will serve as a hands-on, fully interactive, educational environment for the general public as well as private groups such as the disabled, elderly, and children through a series of lectures, guided day trips, as well as an extended stay on the property. Visitors will be able to participate in a variety of pollinator-related field projects including gardening and raising pollinator friendly areas, understanding pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, genetic modifications, bio-engineering techniques, and their impact on society and the planet.